Friday, August 22, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like a baby lives here!

Well it’s official…
We are putting together the fun stuff for the baby!

Next comes the baby’s room…the crib, the armoire, and when it gets here the dresser/changing table.

I can’t wait to decorate!!

All that jungle stuff is going to be so cute!
Animals here…Animals there…Animals, Animals everywhere!

And then to put the baby’s clothes away.
As you can see…we have quite the pile to wash and fold/hang.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Five weeks to go!

As of today I have five official weeks to go. I thought maybe it was time for a new belly picture for those of you who just love them. I will say, though I am not huge, my belly is way bigger than a month ago. I am happy to report...No Stretch Marks! My doctor says that I probably will not get any, and that goes for this and any other pregnancies I may have down the road. COOL!

At the last doctor visit the baby’s heart rate was 154 and I measured 33cm. These numbers are right on target according to the doctor. I go to the doctor again next week and then every week there after. They will be doing all of those end of pregnancy checks to make sure everything is a go for labor and delivery. Mike and I have finished all of our prenatal classes, including Lamaze. Our next step is to put the nursery together, and get all of the stuff put away. We have the crib and an armoire, but the dresser/changing table is ordered and should come in a week or two. That’s all for now, talk to you soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby Shower 8-10-08

On Sunday my Mom and sister gave me the best baby shower. It was a really great time!

I was so glad to see so many of my friends and family there!
I am sorry if you were unable to come, but I hope this post helps you feel like part of the fun.

The gifts were so generous! Thanks to everyone for the many things I am sure to use in the near future. I can't wait to see how cute baby Karnes will look in the many adorable outfits. (Go Cubs) I am sure the baby will love playing with the toys and the play mats! I am already planning many walks with the stroller throughout the fall.

The games and activities were a blast! Thanks again for your creativity on the scrapbooking pages. I plan to put them to good use!

And then there was cake...really good cake!

Thanks again to everyone!