Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

A busy end to a busy weekend...
Easter Sunday was another full day for Cameron. She started her day opening her basket from the Easter Bunny at home. It had so many fun things in it, but the most fun of all was the punch ball! Then, we went to Grandpa Rob's house to enjoy part of the day and have some lunch. Cami got an Easter basket there too!! The candy and the monkey were great! After a very needed nap at home, we headed to Grandma and Granddad's house for the evening. There Cami got to go on an egg hunt with Cousin Trevor. Then we had dinner and opened yet another Easter basket. Cami also opened a wonderful Easter gift from Great Aunt Maria, Great Uncle Bobby and cousins Heather and Robert. Cameron is a very loved little girl. Easter weekend was very full of visits and activities, but we would not trade these wonderful days for anything!!