Thursday, April 15, 2010

News Flash...

We have big news!!! Cami will be a big sister on or around
October 27,2010.
Baby #2 is currently 12 weeks along and everything is going fine!
We will keep you posted as things unfold along this wonderful journey.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Children's Museum with Daddy!!

On Thursday we took Cami to the Kohl's Children's Museum and it was so much fun. Daddy had never been there before, so it was fun for him too! Cami got to play with many cool toys and see many interesting new things. We hope to spend a lot more time at the Kohl Children's Museum.

Children's Museum

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

A busy end to a busy weekend...
Easter Sunday was another full day for Cameron. She started her day opening her basket from the Easter Bunny at home. It had so many fun things in it, but the most fun of all was the punch ball! Then, we went to Grandpa Rob's house to enjoy part of the day and have some lunch. Cami got an Easter basket there too!! The candy and the monkey were great! After a very needed nap at home, we headed to Grandma and Granddad's house for the evening. There Cami got to go on an egg hunt with Cousin Trevor. Then we had dinner and opened yet another Easter basket. Cami also opened a wonderful Easter gift from Great Aunt Maria, Great Uncle Bobby and cousins Heather and Robert. Cameron is a very loved little girl. Easter weekend was very full of visits and activities, but we would not trade these wonderful days for anything!!

Easter Sunday 2010

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Saturday 2010

Wow, we were busy on Easter Saturday...
We started the day off with an Easter egg hunt at a local church. It was raining a little bit but it was OK, because it kept the crowd away! Then after morning nap, Grandpa Rob, Uncle Eli and Cioci all came by to dye more Easter eggs and have some pizza for lunch. Cameron is really good at dying Easter eggs now! After lunch, the sky cleared up and we were able to go outside to play for a while. What a nice day...We will have to see what the Easter Bunny brings tomorrow!!!

Easter Saturday 2010

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Good Friday 2010

We spent Good Friday with Grandma, Granddad, Uncle Erich and Cousin Trevor. The weather was super nice...82 degrees!! We played outside, had dinner and then we dyed Easter eggs!
The night was a ton of fun.

Good Friday 2010

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One and a Half!

Cameron Marie is a year and a half old! We can't believe it!
Where did our little baby go?
Miss Cameron is not a baby anymore.