Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our weekend trip to New Orleans

This past weekend we went to New Orleans to help our cousins celebrate their First Communion. We got there on Friday and after a seafood lunch we went directly downtown to see the French Quarter.
In the French Market Mommy and Daddy bought Cameron a special gift for being such a good girl on the airplane. This man was sitting at his stand and we could not pass it up. It says her name! We went to CafĂ© Du Monde to have beignets. While we were there Mommy gave Cami a taste of powdered sugar and found Cami’s first tooth coming in on the bottom right.
After a long day of being held and made to sit in a carseat or stroller, Cameron really enjoyed playing on our big bed at the hotel.
The next day Cami met many new faces. The little girl cousins really loved Cameron and wanted to hold her, even when she was fussing. Cameron was very sleepy all day, because she had had only a twenty minute nap in the morning. After being passed around about twelve times she finally fell asleep in her stroller under the shady tree.
Later that day, Mommy and Daddy offered to have the cousins back to our hotel to go swimming. Cami went swimming for the first time! She enjoyed it, but was only in for a short while because it was getting late in the day and it was not very sunny anymore. The cousins had a great time playing with and trying to drown Daddy.
The next morning was May 3rd, Cami’s seven month birthday, so she sat for her monthly photo shoot. Then after a morning nap Cameron, Mommy and Daddy went back to the pool before heading to the airport.
It is crazy, but this was Cameron’s sixth airplane ride.

It was a really good trip!!