Sunday, May 31, 2009

New toys and new tricks...

New Toys...Cameron has gotten some new toys in the past few weeks and she really enjoys playing with them.

This flower came from the carnival that was in town last weekend! Mommy picked from the floating duck pond and got the number 14. That's a high number, so you get a big prize!
This ball is filled with water and glitter so when you roll it all the glitter spins around inside the ball. Way cool!!
This big ball plays music and can make itself roll around! It also teaches about shapes, animals and colors!

New Tricks...Now that Cameron is crawling she thinks she is so she has begun to pull herself up next to the couch.
Look guys no hands!
And sometimes one hand!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

She's on the move!!

Well it looks like she has gotten the crawling thing down!!! All this week Cameron has been moving just a little bit, but today she started really moving. I could not believe how good she began to do just out of the blue. Just another reminder that babies figure things out pretty fast!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Play date in the park

Today, Cameron went to a play date in the park. While we were there Cami was very nice and shared her toys with all of the little girls. Cami also had her first experience in a park swing. She liked it very much.
Cameron also sat for a photo shoot to showcase Mommy's friend Ewa's new line of baby accessories.
Wow, Cami looks so cute!

Check out my tooth!!

Here they are...the pictures of Cameron's first tooth!
May 4th
May 8th
May 12th
May 19th
You can really see that tooth now!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Almost moving!

Cameron is almost moving. So far she has not figured it out, but every day she is getting closer. Right now she gets really mad that she can't go forward. Time to get the gates, she'll be into everything soon!! (You will have to pardon the Survivor sound track in the background:) I've got to watch something! )

Cameron's Name

When we were in New Orleans we had this made for Cameron. It is now framed and will be up in Cami's room soon!

A visit with Family

On Sunday we went to see Babcie, Grandpa Rob, Uncle Marc, Uncle Eli and Cioci Stephanie. We had a great visit. We had not seen eveybody on Easter, so they gave Cameron an Easter fruit basket that had cute Easter toys and other goodies inside.

We'll see you guys again soon!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Out for a ride!!

Cami has a new toy...Well, really Mommy and Daddy have a new toy and Cami gets to go along for the ride! Mount Prospect had the town garage sales this weekend and we were out looking for one thing...a take along bike cart for Cami. We found a really good one! Today we set it up and took Cameron on her first ride. It was fun!!

But when Cameron was done we had to go home!!
All better, Mommy got Cami out!
Though we were not out all that long, the ride was nice and we will be going out for a ride more and more all summer!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our weekend trip to New Orleans

This past weekend we went to New Orleans to help our cousins celebrate their First Communion. We got there on Friday and after a seafood lunch we went directly downtown to see the French Quarter.
In the French Market Mommy and Daddy bought Cameron a special gift for being such a good girl on the airplane. This man was sitting at his stand and we could not pass it up. It says her name! We went to CafĂ© Du Monde to have beignets. While we were there Mommy gave Cami a taste of powdered sugar and found Cami’s first tooth coming in on the bottom right.
After a long day of being held and made to sit in a carseat or stroller, Cameron really enjoyed playing on our big bed at the hotel.
The next day Cami met many new faces. The little girl cousins really loved Cameron and wanted to hold her, even when she was fussing. Cameron was very sleepy all day, because she had had only a twenty minute nap in the morning. After being passed around about twelve times she finally fell asleep in her stroller under the shady tree.
Later that day, Mommy and Daddy offered to have the cousins back to our hotel to go swimming. Cami went swimming for the first time! She enjoyed it, but was only in for a short while because it was getting late in the day and it was not very sunny anymore. The cousins had a great time playing with and trying to drown Daddy.
The next morning was May 3rd, Cami’s seven month birthday, so she sat for her monthly photo shoot. Then after a morning nap Cameron, Mommy and Daddy went back to the pool before heading to the airport.
It is crazy, but this was Cameron’s sixth airplane ride.

It was a really good trip!!