Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bigger and bigger every day!

Cameron has been doing better with tummy time lately! She will play for a few minutes now before letting us know that she has had enough.

In her swing Cami plays with her burp rags...only clean ones of course. She plays her own little game of peek-a-boo.

The other day when we were at Ms. Ewa's, Mommy saw just what to do with all of those links...hang little toys with them from the dome in the pack'n'play. Cami loves all the new thing hanging for her to look at and grab.

Cameron is so big she can even hold her own bottle. She has been trying to hold it for a few weeks now, but don't think she is too advanced...she will only hold it for a little while and then it falls. She still needs help most of the time.

The other day Cami and Daddy were playing in her room with the laundry basket. Look how cute she looks in there.