Thursday, December 31, 2009

A very big girl...

We were given this nice table and chairs set from a very nice friend and it is a hit!! Cameron loves to sit in the chairs and play with her new computer she got from Nanny for Christmas. We have also found it works nicely for snacks and coloring! They grow up so fast I tell you.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A sledding we will go...

We took Cameron sledding for the first time yesterday while the snow was falling! It was so fun!!

Christmas 2009

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun with Daddy and a box!

We have been getting a lot of boxes in the mail and Cameron has found out just how fun they can be!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

A new toy...

Well it is not really new...Cameron got this toy for her birthday but because she got so many great things we have been opening them slowly! Cami loves this toy and she learned very quickly (within minutes) how to get on and off all by herself.

Getting ready for Christmas

We have been getting our house ready for Christmas. Cameron is really enjoying all of the Santa decorations! She wants to kiss all of them; it is so funny!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lego Land 12-08-09

Today Cami had a family playdate with her cousin Trevor! We went to Lego Land and had a good time exploring. We made sure to take several pictures that mimicked ones we had taken back in January. (See the Shutterfly post just below this one.) It is so fun to see how much Cameron has changed this year!

Lego Land 12-08-09

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Friday, December 4, 2009

14 months old...

Yep...Cameron is 14 months old...Wow! This past month Cami's vocabulary has exploded. Just in the last month she has learned how to say 20+ new words! (paper, hat, car, stuck, help, yes, truck, glass, cracker, off, out, uh-oh, purpose, milk, grits, wipes, bubbles, box, glasses and leaf) We are amazed how quickly she is learning new things!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

The zoo yet again!

Today Cami and Mommy took Grandma to the Brookfield Zoo. In the twenty years that Grandma has lived in Illinois she had not yet gotten to the zoo! It was cool to see the zoo being decorated for the holiday season. There were many Christmas trees and other pretty decorations to look at throughout the zoo. We saw many of the same exhibits as our other trips to the zoo, but Cami also got to see some new things. (the swamp and the small cat house) We had fun as usual...We love the ZOO!!

Damie's Birthday!

Cameron was invited to Damie's third Birthday party this past Saturday. We all had a good time and enjoyed being part of his super special day! It is always fun to go to another person's house and play with their toys. :)

Cami gets all the boogies...

Can you tell that we have used the hospital aspirator (aka the boogie getter) on Cameron a lot! As of a few days ago she has started to use it on her animals.
It is so funny!! :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kids do the funniest things!

Well... yesterday while I was putting some stuff away in the coat closet Cami was playing in the living room and the kitchen. When I closed the closet door I found this! Obviously, this is not something Cami is allowed to do...but I had to take some pictures before getting her down because it was too funny!! Don't worry the dishes were clean.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Santa says... "HO HO HO"

With Christmas coming soon we decided a few days ago to start teaching Cameron about Santa. We started with what Santa says: "HO HO HO". In the beginning it was coming out "uh uh uh", but within just days Cami has gotten "HO HO HO" down!

Another cool thing...On Tuesday of this week I took Cameron to visit Daddy at his work (Walgreens). While we were there I showed Cami a few different Santa decorations, then Cami and I went to Kohl's and as we were going through the Christmas section she spotted Santa and said "HO HO HO"! If that was not cool enough...The next day I was going through old Christmas cards while Cameron was having a snack in her highchair. Well, I had no idea Cami was watching what I was doing, but one of the cards had a picture of Santa on the front and I guess Cami saw it because the next thing out of her was "HO HO HO"!

It is so cool how quickly Cameron can learn new things!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

13 months old...

Wow, Cameron is a year and a month old!

Cami is becoming a very talkative little girl. We have been keeping track of all of the words she knows and the list is getting very long. (stinky, baby, kisses, brush, ball, duck, fish, bucket, socks, shoes, barrettes, cheese, juice, done, this, that, yuck, goose, shirt, nuts, more, touch, up and help!) As of yet, Cameron does not say NO, but she sure knows how to shake her head NO! Just ask her for kisses and you will see for yourself!! :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What a fun Halloween!!

Cami's second Halloween was a great day. She started the day decorating her pumpkin and then sitting for a few pictures with the Halloween decorations! Check out how much Cami changed in a year!! Cameron was a monkey this year and actually got to go Trick-or-Treating. We went around the block pretty quickly, because it was pretty cold and windy. After dinner Cami had a chocolate cupcake, Yummy! What a fun day!

Halloween 2009

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Monday, October 26, 2009


Cameron is getting big too fast!! Yesterday she ate yogurt all by herself. Today she took a stab at her pasta! We are very proud of Cami and can't believe all that she can do.

Shedd movies!

Here are two movies I forget to post from the day at the Shedd! Cameron loves fish. If you listen close to the one where she is by the tank with lots of fish (the first one)...she says "fish"!! In the second one a dolphin swims very close to Cami's head. We stood there for a long time while Cami looked at the dolphins, but I totally forgot to take a video because I was trying to get a good still shot. (Hard to do when the objects are always moving!) So, Cameron was ready to go and this one is super short!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Grandpa Jody's Visit...

Last week Grandpa Jody and Bertha came into town to meet Cameron! We went to breakfast one morning and while we were there they gave Cami some belated birthday gifts. They also came to our house one night for dinner and some playtime. (Below you can view a movie of Grandpa Jody playing ball with Cameron.) Also during the visit, we all went to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and then to dinner with some old friends of Grandpa Jody's. Cameron is a lucky little girl to have so many people who love her! Thanks for coming!! We'll see you again soon!

Grandpa Jody visit

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Cami's car

Cami got a car for her birthday from a few of the neighborhood families! She loves it!! Yesterday we went for a half-mile walk and today we ventured a whole mile!! What a great way to enjoy a nice fall day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Didier farm with friends

Today we went to Didier Farm with Mrs. Lindley and Brayden. We posed for a few pictures, saw a few farm animals and went on a hay ride. What a nice way to spend a morning!