Thursday, September 25, 2008

Small change of plans

For all those who are really wanting to know, we have had a small change of plans. I will not be induced on the morning of Tuesday the 30th. The induction has been moved to Thursday Oct. 2nd at 7pm. This should work a bit better, because Mike has to administer the flu shots at his store in the morning of the 2nd. So we will go into the hospital after all of his work obligations are taken care of. Obviously...if I go into labor then things will happen when they happen. That's all for now!!! I will see the doctor again Wednesday morning, happy birthday to me!:)

Friday, September 19, 2008

One week to go!

Well, as of yesterday I have one official week to go, but the baby seems to be pretty happy staying put. My next doctor visit will be on my official due date Sept. 25th and if nothing happens by Sept. 30th I will be induced at 7am.

We have done more work in the baby's room and have even started to put up decorations. The changing table was delivered but a few parts were broken, so now we are waiting for replacement parts. All of the baby's clothes are washed and many have been put away, but again we are still waiting to put together the changing table which will house things like undershirts, bath towels and washcloths.

One last things worth mentioning... See the basket at the bottom of the picture above? I went looking at the dollar store for something to go in this space so that it would be a useful space. I found this basket in the last isle with some junk in it, so I dumped out the junk onto the shelf and brought the basket to the register. The manager was standing there and I told him that the basket did not have a tag on it. He told me that it was a dollar! Sold! I brought the basket to my mom with some material and ribbon I had gotten from Mary Beth, my sister, and she made the lining! What a DEAL! Baskets like this one sell for nearly $20 at Mike's Walgreen's.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Three weeks to go!

Well...we have three weeks to go as of today! The house is getting more and more ready every day. The changing table is still not here but we did get confirmation that it is in route. As we put more furniture in the baby's room, the room gets smaller and smaller. The glider may not even fit in there. We will have to rearrange a few times to see what works best.

I went to the doctor yesterday and the news is that I will not have to have any antibiotics on the day of the delivery because the Group B streptococcus test came back negative!! As far as dilation...none to speak of. They will check again next week. Until then we will continue to get ready for baby Karnes!!