Monday, June 9, 2008

24 week up-date

Well, I am now past the 24 week mark. At my last Dr. visit they took some blood to test my blood sugar levels. I am happy to report all is well! The doc says everything looks right on schedule and that I am measuring right on target. The baby's heart rate was 165, which is slightly higher than normal, and the doc said the some would say that means it's a girl. However, they are only correct about 50% of the time :) It's going to be!!! We are still not going to find out any more than that. Baby Karnes is very busy at different times of the day. Mike was able to feel the baby move for the first time a few weeks ago and many times since then. He/she is most active at night just before we go to bed. That's all for now. I'll pass on more news as we get it.