Monday, February 28, 2011

Drew loves his sister

Andrew is always watching his big sister. He is fascinated with her. Oh no...he wants to be big and bad just like her :)

Four months old...

Drew is four months old and sooo soooo sooooo big. At a whopping 17lbs. 8 oz, and 25.25 inches long. (His height might be off a bit the nurses may have miss communicated the number) Cami was not 17 plus lbs. until she was 7 or 8 months old...and is only 25lbs now. He is going to sit on her when she is mean to him!!!

Drew likes the Jumper!

Drew is so heavy we needed something else to hold him up...just kidding. It was just time to get out a new (old) toy. Cami used to love this jumper and we are hoping Drew will feel the same way. So far so good!

Cami and the Pizza Pockets!

Cami loves to help make food. She asks all of the time to help make whatever Mommy is making. Here is Cami helping Mommy make pizza pockets. They were yummy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More this and that...

What a cute boy!Dress-up is fun!!Reading to Drew in his room.Holding his own bottle...yep he is only three months old!

Another first...

Yep, he can now roll from back to belly!!! And he is really good at it!
But, we have not seen the belly to back roll since the first time.
We are sure Drew will be all over the room very soon!

Monday, February 7, 2011

This and that...

At the end of Jan. Cami and Drew had some fun riding the bouncing turtle! Cami being silly and wearing her car mat like a back pack!
Cami on Feb. 3rd. 28 months old!!!
Drew and his amazing smile!

Yes there was a Blizzard!!

These were taken last Wed. morning, and to top it off...we got three more inches yesterday and it is snowing again right now!!