Friday, November 26, 2010

One month old...update

Andrew had his one month doc. visit today, a bit late because his doctor was out of town.
The update is that he is one BIG boy.
At two weeks he was: 8 lbs 13oz & 21.5 inches long...
today at five weeks old Drew is: 11 lbs 4 oz & 23.25 inches long.
All is well with our BIG little boy!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We spent this Thanksgiving at Grandpa Rob's house with Daddy's brothers and sister! The turkey was so yummy that we did not leave room for pie.

Something kind of funny

These little elephant jammies were purchased long before Andrew was born because I thought they were cute. Well today Drew was in them and all I could think was how he looks like he just escaped from elephant jail!! Still super cute!

Just another first...

The first real bath for baby Drew.

Warm out in November...

This past Monday it was 60 plus outside and we made sure we got out to enjoy it!!!

Fall Fun...

Fall fun at our friends the Caldwell's home last weekend!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One month old!

Today Andrew turned one month old! Where did that month go?
Wow... That's all I can say... Wow!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Using his room...

Now that we are almost finished with Drew's room, it is time to start using it!!

Andrew's room

We are almost done in Andrew's room! It is looking really good if I do say so myself. We got this picture in Ocean City MD this past summer. We have plans to paint the frame to make it go better with the other things in the room, but I wanted to put it up for now until there is time to complete the project.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Andrew Pictures

Well Drew is four weeks old today. Here are some pictures we have taken in the past few weeks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Big Sister the Big Helper!

Cami got to help feed Andrew just a few days after he came home! She was so proud of herself.

Cami also helped Andrew open his new baby presents. She is very good at opening presents!

Thanks to everyone who sent Andrew and Cami the wonderful gifts. They are very blessed children and we are blessed to have family and friends who love us so much!!