Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Haloween 2010
We have two kids...It is crazy to think we have two kids!!
The day was great!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Well, it is amazing how much kids change! These are all pictures of Cameron...from her first Halloween to now!

Halloween 2010

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cami loves her little brother!

Yep, she really loves him!! We are happy to say that Cameron is very interested in her baby brother. She asks to hold him everyday.
Before bed last night, Cameron sang Andrew some songs! It was so wonderful!!

He loves his passy!

After discovering his fingers, Mommy decided that it was passy time. No thumb suckers here please, we know what kind of problems that can cause!! The passy is a hit...he really seems to love it, but does not need it all of the time.

coming home

On Saturday morning, just 50 short hours after coming into the world, Andrew was getting ready to go home! Just too cute!
When we got home Daddy could not stop adoring his little boy.Andrew is Handsome like Daddy!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Andrew Robert's First Day!

Andrew was born at 11:31 am on October 21, 2010! He was 8lbs 4oz and 21.5 inches long! The day was a bit we are sure is the case for most births...However, by the end of the day Cami came to see her little brother and even asked to hold him!!! We could not be more happy with this wonderful addition to our family!

Andrew's First Day

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Didier Farm 2010

We went to Didier Farm this evening to check out the pumpkins and have some fun on the rides! Cameron has become very fond of carnival style rides throughout this summer. Cami also got to ride a real pony two times this weekend! What fun!

Didier Farm 2010

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

The big move...

The pictures are up on the walls!!! For the most part Cami's "Big Girl" room is done!!!

Cameron moved into her "Big Girl" room today! It is almost totally finished. We are still waiting for her new blinds, but Mommy put the old office ones up for now. Her dresser came in, but we need to get a new top because of a big scratch. If it is not one thing it's another! These pictures were taken while she was napping this afternoon. It seems the big bed is not going to be an issue.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cami's first haircut...

Cami waiting to get her haircut. Thank goodness for toys in the waiting room!
Getting started...

Almost done...
A little blow drying!
Cameron got a sucker, a balloon and some barrettes!
So pretty!!

She was so happy she did a little dance!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cami's 2nd Birthday

Well, she is two!! We cannot believe that our little baby is two years old. Where did the time go? She was so little and could not do anything for herself, now she is super big and does so many things without any help! Cameron's second birthday was a great day. We celebrated with a small family party and yummy cake! It was perfect.

Cami's 2nd b-day

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