Thursday, January 21, 2010

We have visitors!

Cami's Great PawPaw is coming to visit and he is bringing two friends who also hang on the beach in Hawaii, maybe Great Grandma and Great Granddad!!
(If you don't get it...don't feel bad. It's a family thing!)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kohl Children's Museum

Today we went to the Kohl Children's Museum with our good friends the Harrison's. Cami got right to work opening small doors as soon as we got there. Then we had a quick bite to eat before our friends got there. Cameron enjoyed the cars, the babies, the tea party, the sandwich shop, and the music area! We ended the day with a nice lunch and then headed home for a nap. We hope to go again very soon to check out the areas we did not see!!

Jan. 20, 2010

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

New ways to have fun...

Mommy bought this stool for Cameron a few months ago and now it is her favorite place to sit and have her picture taken. Cami will go to the stool and say "movies". She knows the camera takes movies and pictures but cannot yet say picture. It is super cute!
Hats have become fun to ware. Cami's pink winter hat and her brown flower hat have been a big hit in the past few days. What a QT!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kitchen fun...

Cameron got this kitchen set from Grandma and Granddad for Christmas! We put it together last night and Cameron got to enjoy it this morning!!! She loves it and all of its parts, and there are a lot of them!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fifteen months old...

Our little girl is getting so big! Yesterday she turned 15 months old.
Cami spent most of the day cheering up Daddy and his family after the very sad events of the two days prior. We will all miss Babcie very much, but we are sure she is looking over her beloved Granddaughter.