Thursday, December 31, 2009

A very big girl...

We were given this nice table and chairs set from a very nice friend and it is a hit!! Cameron loves to sit in the chairs and play with her new computer she got from Nanny for Christmas. We have also found it works nicely for snacks and coloring! They grow up so fast I tell you.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A sledding we will go...

We took Cameron sledding for the first time yesterday while the snow was falling! It was so fun!!

Christmas 2009

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun with Daddy and a box!

We have been getting a lot of boxes in the mail and Cameron has found out just how fun they can be!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

A new toy...

Well it is not really new...Cameron got this toy for her birthday but because she got so many great things we have been opening them slowly! Cami loves this toy and she learned very quickly (within minutes) how to get on and off all by herself.

Getting ready for Christmas

We have been getting our house ready for Christmas. Cameron is really enjoying all of the Santa decorations! She wants to kiss all of them; it is so funny!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lego Land 12-08-09

Today Cami had a family playdate with her cousin Trevor! We went to Lego Land and had a good time exploring. We made sure to take several pictures that mimicked ones we had taken back in January. (See the Shutterfly post just below this one.) It is so fun to see how much Cameron has changed this year!

Lego Land 12-08-09

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Friday, December 4, 2009

14 months old...

Yep...Cameron is 14 months old...Wow! This past month Cami's vocabulary has exploded. Just in the last month she has learned how to say 20+ new words! (paper, hat, car, stuck, help, yes, truck, glass, cracker, off, out, uh-oh, purpose, milk, grits, wipes, bubbles, box, glasses and leaf) We are amazed how quickly she is learning new things!