Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun with the fish and the bucket...

Cami got this HumaHuma fish in Hawaii when we were there in February. Since then Daddy has made the HumaHuma kiss Cameron, so now she kiss it all of the time. Last night she figured out that it was fun to put the fish in her beach bucket. If you listen close you might hear her say "fish" and "bucket".

Fun with Daddy!

Cami and Daddy were having a great time playing chase around the family room. She thought it was so funny!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cami's new favorite place...

We store some blankets and pillows between the sofa and Cami's pack'n'play. Cami found this spot about a week ago and now it is her favorite spot to hang out.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our day in the City

We went to the Chicago Children's Museum at Navy Pier on Tuesday this week! Daddy got Cami a smashed penny to go in her scrapbook.
Then we walked the pier and Cami had a snack...well she ate some of them and she fed some of them to the birds.
We set up the camera on a timer to take this picture of our family standing on the pier.
Then to go back to the inland part of the pier we walked inside the covered walkway. We got out of the sun and saw many great art exhibits.
Before heading home we had dinner at Pizzeria UNO! Yummy!! Yes, Cami had pizza too!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Photos by Angelica

On Tuesday Cami had a photo shoot with a up in coming photographer! Here are some of the pictures she took!

Monday, August 3, 2009

10 months old

Cameron is 10 months old today!!!

We are so excited about this stage in Cami's life. She is learning a new thing or trick literally every day!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our friend Brayden's Birthday!

On Saturday we went to Brayden's birthday party. Cookie Monster was there! Cool!!! Cameron was not afraid of him at all. She even let him get really close to her when he was saying good-bye. Then, after Cookie Monster left everyone played music with the rhythm sticks. After some play time, everyone gathered to sing and have birthday cake. (Cameron did not have any...she is waiting for her first birthday to have cake!)

Our day trip to Michigan

Last Friday Mommy took Daddy and Cameron on their first trip to Holland and Saugatuck Michigan. We headed to Holland first to go to Mommy's favorite store Tip Toes. We also went to many other stores to browse around. That's what you do in Holland!!
We stopped at a coffee shop for Mommy and Daddy to get some coffee. While we waited Cami enjoyed a snack.
Then before we headed out of town, Cameron and Daddy got to know Ben Franklin.
When we got to Saugatuck Cami played with her new baby from Tip Toes, while Daddy went into the restaurant to give them our name. Then while we waited to be seated, Cami played in the grass with Daddy.
After dinner, we browsed some of the shops in Saugatuck. This place called the Tiki Hut, did not have any tiki stuff. It had a ton of Jamaican stuff though, so maybe it should be called something like...Yeah Mon!
Before heading home, Mommy and Daddy had to get some fudge! Yummy!!