Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Playing outside

It is getting pretty nice these days. We like to be outside as much as possible. Today I brought a blanket and some toys outside for Cami to play. She had a great time and then went right to bed for a nap.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cami's first Cubs game

Today Cameron went to her first Cubs game and for her first ride on the CTA train! Yesterday we were offered these really good seats for the game, row 7!! We just could not pass them up! It was sad that they did not win, but it was still a great time!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cami's first trip to the zoo!

Last Saturday was so nice that we decided to take to the zoo. We saw many animals (camels, zebras, lemurs, monkeys, penguins, and polar bears) and we tried to point them out to Cami. Sometimes she would look for a few seconds, but then she would get distracted by all of the people.

We came across this big wall of animals with face hole cutouts. Cami looked so cute in all of the animals.

At the Family zoo we saw many interesting things. We even got really close to a hissing roach and a lizard, yuck!

It was a very nice day and we plan to go back many times this summer!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Moving forward!!

Cameron has been rolling over for a while now, but today was the first time she has tried to move forward while on her tummy! We can't believe how big she is and how much she grows and learns everyday. Crawling next?!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cubs Win!!

The Cubs home opener was yesterday and they won!!! Cami was dressed and ready for the win all day! The game was delayed about an hour due to rain, but when they started we were in front of the TV watching. We are ready for a great season!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter was great!

On Good Friday Cameron had her first experiences dyeing Easter Eggs. She got to color on two eggs with a wax crayon before dyeing them, one red and one yellow. Cami was very interested in putting the spoon in her mouth. She also had a great time spilling both cups of dye, but we quickly cleaned it up with no harm done!
Wow, look at all those colorful eggs! The Easter Bunny came to Cameron's house and left her a basket full of goodies.
Do you like her hat?
These chew toys will come in handy very soon as Cami's teeth begin to come in.
Look she got everything out of the basket!
Even the grass!!!
We went to Grandma and Granddad's house for Easter dinner. While we were there Cameron got a few more Easter gifts. Uncle Erich got Cameron a walk-behind baby stroller. Cool, it also sings songs.
Then she got an Easter basket from Grandma and Granddad!
Cameron also got an Easter gift from Great Aunt Maria, Great Uncle Bobby and cousins Heather and Robert.

Thanks to everyone for helping make Cameron's first Easter so special!!