Thursday, October 30, 2008

The many places Cami sleeps!

Cameron has been home for almost a month now and she is wonderful. At this stage she sleeps a lot, and I can't resist taking pictures of her! Here are some of the many many pictures I have taken in the last few weeks.

10-07-07 sleeping on Mommy holding her wedding ring

10-08-08 sleeping in her ducky outfit from Ede

10-09-08 sleeping in her stroller

10-10-08 sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bed
10-12-08 sleeping in her pack'n'play
10-14-08 sleeping with Daddy in the glider
10-16-08 sleeping in her pack'n'play
10-18-08 sleeping on Mommy's lap
10-19-08 sleeping in her big crib
10-20-08 sleeping in her swing
10-24-08 sleeping in her pack'n'play
10-26-08 sleeping in her jungle outfit
10-28-08 sleeping in her Cameron shirt from Katie and Erika

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cameron's first trip to the farm.

Cameron went to the farm today, 10-20-08, and had a great time. Well actually she slept almost the whole time, but it was very nice to have such a cool play date with so many good friends. Cameron posed with the pumpkins and went on her first hay ride.

Maybe on her next visit she will be more awake!

Friday, October 17, 2008

So many visitors!!

Since coming home from the hospital Cameron has had so many visitors! It has been very nice meeting so many friends and family members!!
Babcie (Polish for Grandma) and Cami
Grandpa Rob and Cami
Uncle Marc and Cami
Uncle Eli and Cami
Cioci Stephanie and Cami
Grandma and her grandkids (Cousin Trevor and Cami)
Granddad and his grandkids (Cousin Trevor and Cami)
Uncle Erich, Cousin Trevor and Cami
Nanny Mary Beth, Uncle Erick, Cousin Trevor and CamiMommy, Daddy, Cousin Trevor and Cami
Lindley, Brayden, Mommy and Cami
Katie and Cami
Erika and Cami

Thanks to everyone for coming to visit. We can't wait to see you again!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cameron's days in the hospital.

In the hospital there were many new experiences. Here you can see Daddy getting his first experience with a dirty diaper. (These are the before and after shots. Nothing icky!!)

While in the hospital Cameron had many excited visitors. A few of Mommy's friends stopped by to visit, but in all of the excitement we forgot to take pictures. (Sorry, we'll get you on the next visit!) It was sure nice to meet so many friendly faces!:) We hope to have many more visitors soon!

Grandma Gebhardt
Granddad Gebhardt
Uncle Erich
Nanny Mary Beth (Nanny is a named used in the Southern states)
Cioci Stephanie (Cioci is the polish way of saying Aunt)

Also in the hospital, Cameron let us see some of her many, countless in fact, adorable poses and faces. Mommy is a camera crazed looney!! And, when Mommy is holding Cami she makes Daddy take the pictures.

Then, the doctors said everything was good and we could go home. Cameron was only 62 hours old when the official discharge papers were filed. Mommy was so excited to put Cameron in real clothes for the first time. She even found her too cute for words just in the onesie!! Silly Mommy!!

Finally, at about 11:30am we were all packed up and ready to go home. We took special precautions with our most valuable package!! Look how little Cameron looks in her carseat. We're sure she will grow into it soon and then we'll have to buy a bigger one!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Karnes is here!!!

Baby Karnes, AKA, Cameron (Cami) Marie Karnes is here!! She arrived on Fri. Oct. 3rd at 7:34pm. She was 7lbs 1oz and 21 inches long. She did not want to make her entrance the old fashioned way, so she was delivered via c-section.

In the nursery Cami held her Daddy's hand and they had a long talk! She did not say much, but she could hear the other babies making lots of noise.
Then Cami and Daddy met Mommy in the recovery room where they spent about an hour before going back to their suite!
Uncle Erich spent a lot of time on Friday night making Cami's announcement sign.