Saturday, May 24, 2008

Baby Belly

Ok... Ok... For those of you who are just dieing to see the baby belly here it is...

This picture was taken on May 1st!

This picture was taken on May 24th!!

It seems bigger to me. Mike and I were out for walk and I was wearing shorts...lets just say I can still see my feet, but not the shorts. I am sure it is just a matter of time before the feet are out of view too.

Friday, May 9, 2008

New pictures of baby Karnes!

Mike and I went this morning for the 20 week ultrasound. We were able to see so much. The baby's heart was beating very steadily and the technician was able to show us all four chambers of the heart. We were also able to see many other body parts like the spine, the femur (thigh bone), the bladder, the kidneys, lips, eyes, hands, and the feet.

This is a view of the spine from the back. You can see the back of the head at the far right of the picture.

This is the baby's foot, complete with toes!

This last one is the baby's profile. You can see the eye sockets, the tip of the nose and the lips. At the top of the picture you can see one of the baby's hands.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I think he/she is moving in there!

Hi all,
Well for a few weeks now I have been feeling little pops, like maybe a punch or a kick, but not very frequently. Then there was yesterday...I was sitting at the computer and I believe little baby Karnes was doing flips! It was pretty cool. This Thursday is the official half way point, 20 weeks. Then on Friday we will get to see baby Karnes again! I can't wait! I'll post the ultrasound pictures soon.